It’s so weird to have a holiday in the middle portion of a week. Some folks are lucky to get extra days off, others maybe not so much but when you return it feels like an assembly line on full power.
It makes for a crazy week when you only have one or two days after a holiday to fit a whole week in. No matter how hard you try to prepare prior to the holiday break it doesn’t seem to stop the flow after or all the fires that just seem to come no matter what.
As crazy a week as it might be, I urge you to prioritize and just keep swinging as the issues come up. Whether it be in date order, largest to smallest or who’s bringing things to your attention just find your rhythm and plug through each step of the way like you always do.
Sure, the holiday may have only been a few days ago but seems like weeks ago because your to-do list is growing fast. Don’t worry you got this, step by step or even minute by minute just keep going. Show the world how bright you shine.
Much Love,