That’s the goal for all of us right, to move forward. What we move forward with or in might vary person to person. Heck the definition of moving forward might be different for each of us. So how in the world do we move forward together as a group?
I can hear you, that is the question, right? Thinking back on many examples of how you got a complex group of people to decide on which way was forward and how you get there. Quietly groaning to yourself on how much time was spend or wasted in making those decisions. Might even be thinking of the lost opportunities when you couldn’t move forward because a decision couldn’t be made.
So how do you do it? How do you not miss those opportunities and get everyone to move forward together? Yeah I am not talking about say a sports team where the goal is pretty straight forward. Thinking more about decisions that need to be made by work organizations, religious organizations or social organizations. A lot more dynamics and shall we say personalities in those groups to get them to agree on something. Not to mention the hierarchy, structure and history build into those complex groups, so moving forward how?
I don’t have the all the answers, so if you think I might, sorry. I do have somethings I want you to think about in how you can approach the situation differently. You have your opinion on what ever the situation is in your group. To you moving forward means X, and you have your frustrations with the folks in your group that think moving forward means Y or even A or B. Why don’t they get it?
They do, but their history or personality is different than yours. So, it’s not a far conclusion to see they result in a different conclusion. That is the first key I believe, understand that and respect how they are coming to their conclusion. I might take it even a step further and say try and deepen your understanding of that conclusion. Respectfully ask questions trying to gain that deeper understanding. Brings us to key number two, listen. Don’t hear them waiting for your time to respond, listen to what they are saying. I can guarantee in their answers will be clues that you can use to work towards a mutual understanding. What comes from mutual understating, results!
So, think about those things as you work towards moving forward together in your groups and organizations. Show them how bring you shine!
Much Love-