What a week huh? It has been quite emotional not just this week but for a while now if we are honest. Nothing says it more than those poor kids and teachers. Because of that I am not going to jump on any soap box because I don’t have the energy and quite frankly most probably don’t want to hear it. Today I am going to say just be there.
Just be there for your family, friends, and community. Make sure that they know that you are there for them and that you care. If you have causes near and dear to your heart, just be there and volunteer to help lighten the load and show them that they are important to you.
Also just be there for yourself. Take time to process what these tragedies mean to you and how you can move forward. That might be to help a cause or just take some time to process it all to know how you can move forward.
We as a society have gotten so far away from just being there for each other. I think if we can remind ourselves how good it feels to just be, hang out and help out we might find our way to some healing. Sadly, nothing will bring back the people the world has lost so violently in Ukraine, New York and now in Texas. Young lives lost are never easy, But maybe just maybe if we just be there for each other both those you know and don’t know maybe we can help to heal, come together, and move forward in a world where horrible violence, violence against innocent people and kids isn’t such a big thing. A world where love is such a big thing. Much love to all and as always Shine Bright!