It’s amazing just when you think you will never get clear or out from underneath whatever pile is overwhelming you, it happens. You get clear, you can breathe and step back to see your progress.
It seems never ending, when you are working with your head down and tackling one thing after the other. Sometimes just when you finish two things, three more get piled on you as others walk away. A never-ending cycle that just makes you want to scream! You keep attacking it though and just when you think it will never end, you catch a break. That inbox comes back to a manageable number of emails. That never-ending stack of papers clears, and you remember what color your desk is. Haha!
So, this is your reminder to keep after it, even though it doesn’t seem like it trust me you got this! Be proud of your accomplishments and how hard you work even if it seems like no one else notices. People notice more than you think and even though they may not say it enough trust me YOU ROCK!
So as that inbox clears, those piles of paper get under control and you can actually catch a breath before the next project, do it. Go take a walk, get yourself a treat and relax. You’ve earned it! Trust me, the world sees how brightly you shine so go and charge your batteries, so you continue to glow.
Much Love~