A question if we are honest, we all ask ourselves a lot. What time is it? Especially over the past year when time seemed to blend together into one endless day. I think the reason that we loose track of time is because we are so busy running around trying to make just about everything happen at the same time.
Work life into home life into social life then lather rinse repeat with an endless list of “to-dos” in each area. Once you get some things knocked off the list it seems like double that is added back on to said list. We run around taking care of this for work, this for a friend and that for someone in your family. I have a question though, what about the time you forget?
Time, I forget, say what? That time is the time you give to yourself. When are you asking what time, it is because the day seemed to go from 9 am to 4:30 pm without you blinking did you slow down even for a second to do something for yourself?
I know crazy talk, right? I just got finished saying you are so busy doing things you loose track of time and now I am saying stop and do something for yourself? Umm when? I know it is hard and it has to be purposeful, but it can help with that endless “to-do” list. If you just keep running not only, do you get physically tired but your mental and creative state takes a nosedive. Those times when your brain says “STOP, we are finished!”
How many times do you keep pushing through even when you know it is not your best effort? Even if you are on a deadline, can you take 15 minutes to walk around the block or to the local coffee shop to get a drink? You will be AMAZED at how that short break for some fresh air will pick up your spirits. It will also give you a little extra drive to finish up your task with better clarity and intention.
So, keep your drive going to reach the amazing heights I know you are capable of. However, when the days blend together, remember to stop and take that time you forgot. That time for you even if it is in short breaks. You deserve it! Shine bright and much love!